Next Episode: On Openness

In my conversation today I speak with a long time friend and athlete, Jen Keith, on pursuing endurance. In 2009, Jen and I were both introduced to triathlon and raced our first ever half-ironman triathlon in Wilmington North Carolina. We were two absolute goobers who had no idea what we were doing, but had willpower like none other to finish with our heads high. Jen is as competitive as they come and has gone on to compete in many different races and has even gone on to compete at in the World Championship ironman event in Kona Hawaii. She qualified again and plans to be back in Hawaii this fall to give Kona all she’s got. Thankfully, this race is televised. I can’t wait to watch her attack this brutal course. Endurance racing is humbling. Jen and I both agree that training for this sport has made us more inspired, disciplined and resilient human beings. I hope that this conversation both inspires and encourages you in whatever it is that you’re facing today.  

Show Notes & Links:

On Pursuing - On Endurance - Episode 1 

Social Media for Jen



If you'd like to connect with Ivey and continue the conversation, please feel free to connect on social media.