Ideas or theories have brought us to where we are today. Economic Theory. Gravity. Human psychology and neuroscience. Ideas are evolutionary and need to be challenged. Ideas require discourse. Sometimes they are proven to be good and right, sometimes they are damaging and wrong. But all ideas seeking to solve problems require discussion around the varying possible outcomes.

To restate one of my favorite sentiments, “Beware of unintended consequences.” And my second favorite, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

In today’s environment, I’d like to believe that the people that are working to bring justice to those in need are doing something good. I’d like to believe that the intent and the desired outcome is good. If that’s the case, then you’d think that people would be openly discussing the various outcomes or consequences to the debated ideas. But they’re really not. What we see happening today is a very loud minority seeking to effectively silence a very curious and questioning majority.

This current method of ridicule that we are seeing in the streets and on social media, belittling someone because they don’t understand a concept, because they would like to dialogue an idea or because they just don’t agree - This is not producing desired outcomes of a better life for humanity. It’s just dividing humanity and even harming some. Mostly ridicule there is little discourse and basically no progress.

I’d like to share someone that I think is doing this dialogue thing right. Will Reusch is one of my favorite accounts on social media right now. Will is a high school teacher in Los Angeles, a father of three boys, a debate coach, a host of his podcast Cylinder radio, a seeker of truth and an ever increasing voice of productive discourse and idea enlightenment (for lack of better phrasing) on social media. Will is courageously trying to create space for productive dialogue around real issues. He has been ridiculed countless times and simply uses this negative energy to learn more. He offers up grace, curiosity and compassion. For his presence on this noisy and divisive platform, I am so grateful.

In our conversation, we talk about his role as a teacher. Social justice concepts in universities. Debate versus conversation. Critical race theory. The human mind. The positive influence he currently sees from religious ritual. The Chinese Communist Party and their influence on Americans. The value of discussing ideas and allowing your own ideas to be challenged. We navigate through a lot.

See link below for show notes:

On Pursuing - Episode 10 - Will Reusch, On Discourse 

Resources & Links to Further Connect with Will

Will Reusch Instagram 

Cylinder Radio Podcast 

If you would like to connect with Ivey and continue the conversation, please feel free to connect on social media.