In high school, one of the hardest classes I ever took was a college level art history course. I retained absolutely nothing from this class but a deep appreciation for craft, creativity and individual talent. About two years ago, I met this magnetic woman, Marta. She has this humble sophistication and curiosity I find so charming and intriguing. She herself is like a piece of art. Full of knowledge and worthy of our attention. She loves antique pieces, their history and exploring their story the way I enjoy getting to know and understand people. We spend the first 20 minutes or so, walking through her space, discussing a few specific pieces, their functionality, how they were made and have stood the test of time over centuries of use. Then we sit down and go through her personal story with curating and restoring these historic pieces, her decision process in deciding to start her business, and her work placing the in peoples homes to be enjoyed for centuries to come. Marta moved from Granada, Spain to Charlotte, NC a few years ago and we explore differences between Spanish and American culture. We discuss how an antique piece is deemed antique, how she sources them, why they are so valuable and should be revered. There are so many moments in this conversation that I have sense reflected on and draw inspiration from. I could listen to Marta for hours. I hope you enjoy! I highly recommend that you go check out my show notes on or visit Marta’s website (Also referenced in my show notes) to see the pieces we reference in our conversation.

Show Notes & Links:

On Pursuing - On Curating - Episode 7

Social Media for Marta Gualda Artifacts


Marta Gualda Artifacts Website

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