Over the past few years, I have shifted my focus from growing my following, to converting my followers into clients. And I’m proud to say we've made more money in the last six months than I ever had in any year of my business beforehand. 

I look at people who are just getting started and their obsession with followers. Back then, I wish someone had told me, “You’ve got it all backwards. Let’s shine a light on what you *really* need to be focusing on.”

That’s exactly why we recorded this episode.

Amanda is such an great person to have this conversation with. She's excellent at lead generation and conversational selling. 

She has made $40,000 in the Instagram DM’s alone. She's made half a million dollars with only one landing page.  She made $1 million before they even had 5,000 email subscribers. 

I wish that eight years ago I could have listened to this episode because it would've been a GAME CHANGER.

It's an inside look into how to hack profitability by knowing how to deliver *exactly* what they need. Because that's what's going to bring you massive profitability.
