In this Podcast you’ll learn:

How Brooke Shaden broke out of a job she hated to pursue a creative career despite the risk. How she has created success as an introvert. How she engages meaningfully on social media without obsessing about the numbers. How she sees hustle as an art form. 

You’ve all but heard it before: “Follow your dreams”, “Turn your dreams into reality.”—the list of clichés goes on and on. But maybe there’s some truth to the hundreds of famous airy quotes about dream following. Maybe they’re just motivational words, for never giving up on your deepest desires. Or maybe it’s even simpler than that.

Maybe they’re just straightforward instructions.    

Brooke Shaden is the physical embodiment of what life would be like to literally follow your dreams.

As a self-portrait artist, she brings back from her slumbers the most imaginative thoughts, transforming them into visual storytelling masterpieces.

And with such an introspective ability to see her dreams, she offers many words of wisdom for those seeking to follow their very own.

“The people who are most successful…are the people who are doing something in their own unique way.”