In this episode Alex shares:

Her lessons in launching this podcast & why it took so long.  How she is setting up Gram Slam's new evergreen marketing funnel Why she decided to do Facebook Ads herself instead of outsourcing it from the get-go.  Her Facebook Ad Strategy.  The 3 Facebook Ad secrets she's learned over the last week that you should *definitely* know about and implement. How she juggles multiple social media platforms.  How she identified business priorities this week.  How she's managing having Laura visit as both her bestie *and* the Operations Manager  How stress is showing up physically in her body & how she's handling it. How she pushes through stress even when she's committed to living a stress-free life. How her business is currently experiencing major growing pains. How she has been prioritizing self-care. 

In episode 003 of On Purpose, Alex opens up about 3 big Facebook Ad Secrets that anyone can apply to their business. She talks about what it's been like personally as the business goes through a period of intense work and hustle. She also discusses entrepreneurial stress, and shares how she copes with it. 


“No one is going to spend your money as carefully as you will spend your money” - Alex Beadon

"The one thing I really like about a podcast is that it really unites people who are like-minded." - Alex Beadon

"Take a look at your competition, not so you can copy them but so you can possibly create something super different that gets the attention of your prospect." - Alex Beadon

“As business owners it’s good for us to know the experience that our ideal client is having.” - Alex Beadon

"I hired my best friend! It's such a dream come true." - Alex Beadon 

"I wake up first thing in the morning, and I can feel the anxiety in my body." - Alex Beadon

"I can't count the number of times this week I've told Laura, 'OMG, I love my job!' I love doing this, this is so exciting to me. It fuels me - the unknown, the uncertainty. I'm just excited by it. Even though there's so much risk and I can't promise I know exactly what the end result will be, I love it. I just think all of this is so much fun." - Alex Beadon

“I know this busy period isn’t forever, I know I’m putting in all of this work for an end goal.” - Alex Beadon

“I know and have deep trust that this is me getting to the next level” - Alex Beadon

“If Alex from 8 years ago could see Alex today, she would be so proud.” - Alex Beadon

“I’m encouraging you to celebrate whatever you have to celebrate and how far it is that you have come.” - Alex Beadon

“As much as I would like to say “I’m superwoman” I won’t burn out - I’m only human…. So prioritizing self-care is a priority in the next week.”  - Alex Beadon

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