Many people take advantage of the new year to make new year’s resolutions. Some people decide to go on a diet, start a new fitness regime or learn a new hobby. If your new year’s resolution is to budget, then I’m going to give you a few tips on how to create financial success in 2023. The word budget does not have to be a scary word. In this episode, I talk about creating a budget that gives you the ability to enjoy your life and still do things you love so you don’t feel like you are restricting yourself. Small changes over time lead to big results!



In this episode Luis talks about:

-Simple steps to help reach your financial goals in 2023

-Why the word budget doesn’t have to be restrictive

-How to be strategic about where you put your dollars

-Why money dates with your partner are important for budgeting

-What is a balance transfer, and can it help me?



Download the 3 Fundamental “Money Moves” to Make Before Turning 45

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Atomic Habits by James Clear