The reminder for the podcast keeps popping up like every five minutes, so let’s work around this one last thing.

I’m leaving The Gazette. It’s been 24 years, nearly 22 covering Iowa football. That’s a long damn time in the same circle against the same opponent. There can’t be too many other beat writers who’ve been on the griddle this long. If there are, what in the hell are you doing? You traded your heart for a phone.

Thanks to everyone who’s been along for the ride. That’s lame, I know, but we’re not going to be dramatic here.

The On Iowa Podcast was sort of the ultimate “Odd Couple” thing. Scott Dochterman kept the records. I tagged along, learned a lot and had a lot of fun. I don’t expect I’ll be part of anything like it again unless I pull something fabulously entertaining out of my ass. I do plan to learn the electric guitar. The On Iowa pod worked because it was “hyper-Iowa.” There was nothing else, really. We didn’t do guests. We did the Hawkeyes. You didn’t get the “drive by,” you got a meal and a dessert and maybe a funny hat or an action figure. Scott is the smartest dude on the beat. I felt good in his company, during the podcast and out in stadiums. I was the “Oscar,” the Walter Matthau to Scott’s “Felix,” the Jack Lemmon. But it wasn’t always that way. This might not make sense, but I’ll try: Where I was weak, Scott was strong and vice versa. That made for some really great content.
10 years and 2 ½ months worth, to be exact.

Yes, I’m referencing a movie from 1968. I’m no longer updating my references. I don’t have to.

We downsized and I moved to the woods across the river. That’s something that’s been in the mail for me since May and a big driving force behind this. Something something pandemic. Also, at some point, you have to stop bitching to your poor wife about your job. She’s not your damn psychologist.

I’m trading back for my heart. Face me to the shore. I’m swimming to the good latitudes.

— Marc Morehouse