With Big Ten media days coming up, football is basically here. Scott Dochterman and I wanted to get a podcast in before the B1G media days (July 17-18) and the end of the portions of our waking lives that don’t involve football.

We hit recruiting. Iowa’s 2020 class now at 20 prospects. There could be more. One thing that impresses me? The geography of this class is national-ish. Texas, Florida, all over the upper midwest and, of course, Iowa. The only place missing that would make this a classic Iowa recruiting class is New Jersey.

We indulged ourselves with some realignment talk. Why not? That UConn and American Conference thing. It opened the window just enough to allow us to talk realignment with a straight face. Kind of. Not totally.

Of course, your Twitter questions. Good ones this week. Zone scheme, running back 2019, well done. Thanks for listening and you’ll be hearing from us around Big Ten media days.