This week, John Federico (@gadgetboy) and Chia-Lin Simmons (@chialinsimmons) talk about the latest news in digital media and what it means for you.

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It's Official: Apple and Facebook Are Phone Companies Now

Facebook buys 'Move' fitness tracking app for Apple's iPhone

By buying Moves, Facebook acquires high-value passive location technology

Facebook launches a newswire so it can help the media — while it competes with them

Google Glass Just Lost Its Biggest Cheerleader

Google agrees to defend Samsung, pay some of its costs in patent infringement case against Apple

F.C.C., in a Shift, Backs Fast Lanes for Web Traffic

When it comes to net neutrality, either the FCC thinks we’re idiots, or it just doesn’t care

Amazon Revenue Up 23% On Tripling In Prime Video Usage

Amazon adds HBO shows to Prime Instant Video; HBO Go coming to Fire TV at some point

The FyreTV Porn Streamer Maker Is Suing Amazon For Trademark Infringement

In Aereo, Supreme Court Rightly Skeptical About Becoming Technology Regulators

EFF Case Against Personal Audio Podcasting Patent Trolls in good shape

Nike fires majority of FuelBand team, will stop making wearable hardware

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