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Check-out the episode #65 of LA's #1 Radio/Zoom/FBLive show, On Air with Russell of Hotels. Topics Include: How to get the most out of LinkedIn & are Hotels actually hiring? And what words can be used in place of "pivot"? It's #HospitalityUnplugged

5 ways you can optimize your LinkedIn profile :

1. Be Relevant
In order to make yourself or your business seen, you’ve got to engage more, post more, share more, and comment more. Are your content and brand relevant for your target audience? Use hashtags or create specific hashtags that are relevant to your industry and desired niche. Tag others who are within your industry and more likely to share your content and engage in the conversation. Be mindful of using rich media, posts with images get twice as many comments as text posts , and videos are five times more likely to get comments!

2. Flaunt Your Skills
If you’re looking to connect with more like-minded people, or are searching for a new job, your skills have to be at the forefront of your profile. In September 2019, LinkedIn launched a tool on its platform called “LinkedIn Skill Assessments”. It’s a way for you to show off and validate your skills in order to stand out from the crowd.

3. Create a community
Encourage engagement! The easiest way to do this is with a call to action such as a question or poll. The more conversation and buzz surrounding your content, the higher it will be ranked across other’s feeds. Start connecting with others who work in the same industry as you or live within the same community as you, and then start to branch out. Participate in LinkedIn Groups or create your own, create conversations that will buildmeaningful connections and relationships. Create inspirational and helpful content that isgeared towards the main reason people turn to LinkedIn-to get a job, to get a better job, or to grow their professional networks.

4. Be Genuine
LinkedIn is all about being personable and relatable. According to LinkedIn , authenticity is key. “Genuine conversation around real experiences spark better and deeper conversation,” explains Pete Davies. “Better conversation, in turn, leads to a stronger community and connection.” Don’t be afraid to share vulnerable experiences and hardships that in turn made you a better person. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable or voice your opinion on “touchy subjects”. Although LinkedIn is the largest professional networking platform, that doesn’t mean you can’t be authentic and yourself. Openly talk about your failures, mistakes, frustrations, and goals. Often times, we find that when people are genuine and honest, they expand their reach and connect with more people.

5. Optimize with LinkedIn Analytics
Use LinkedIn Analytics to understand how and why some of your posts are performing better than others. Is it because you posted it at a certain time? Or used a specific call-to-action? Was it a link used or someone mentioned that boosted your post? Whatever the case may be, learn from it and replicate it.