Maureen Day is a sociologist, specializing in American Catholics. She studies us, interviews us, and writes about us. Her most recent book is Catholic Activism Today: Individual Transformation and the Struggle for Social Justice. We’re talking data. We talk about models of Catholic activism in the 21st century. She is finding that Catholics are engaging their faith more and more through groups that are centered around specialized missions, rather than simply sticking to the neighborhood church. She talks about the importance of belonging as an essential component of a strong faith community, especially among young adults. If you’re working to engage young people and others in a meaningful community, this is a must-listen for you. Enjoy the episode.

Links we talked about in the episode:

Catholic Activism Today: Individual Transformation and the Struggle for Social Justice

Maureen’s books

JustFaith Ministries

Opus Dei


Read more of Maureen’s work

A Bold Embrace of Laudato Si’ - Maureen’s keynote at Creighton University’s Climate Conference Summer 2021 with Cardinal Cupich

The Shared Parish by Brett Hoover

Gaudate et Exultate

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