In the Lab today we have a special guest, Jeff “Little Menace” to help us out on our Going Deep show on Mercy! He is a top 500 and GM regular Mercy player and support main! We also want to cover a few adjustments we saw right after last week’s show to the PTR!

Going Deep Mercy ANNOUNCEMENTS: Game Night Giveaway for Patrons BEGINS Monthly Game Night -- March 31 News & Blue Posts: Orisa launches on Live April 21st: Source Top 500 Leaderboard available! Jeff Kaplan Reddit AMA PTR Update Sponsor Thanks to Diamond Patrons: RcCrispy: Magic: Ben W., MILK, Zampano, Cody K, IceWeasel & Mikey New Patrons this week (4 NEW): Brett B, Kevin L, David T, Cody R Omnic Lab Links:

*Twitter, Facebook, Patreon
*Email: [email protected]
*iTunes, Google Play Music, Youtube
*Twitch, RSS, MERCH
*Full Extended Show Notes

Little_Menace: Twitter, Twitch, Youtube
Rob: Twitter, Twitch, Hearthstone Podcast - Velen’s Chosen
Andres: Twitter


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