In the Lab today we’re going to chit chat about Duo Queue and some tips and tricks! We’re also making some important changes coming soon to Patreon and wanted to let you all know about it as well as some new stuff going on in our Discord lately!

*By Skyline “Aiming Exercises and Fundamentals” (

NEWS & PATCH NOTES: Frodan shares Twitch most viewed in Aug. 2016: 

Special Thanks to our brand new Patrons this week: Dave H, Switchfox, & Wrecktangle!! Also to our iTunes Reviewers this week: Ozymandias#1624, Keith T, Kilhoffb, Chriskruz, Sgt Scallywag, Hatespaywall, Patrick C, Parker0615

Duo Que Tips:
*Have different Hero Pools that compliment and syergize with each other.
*Be the two most flexible people on the team for switches and who to play.
*Be aware that you can call out your partner on misplays.
*Be constructive with critiques.
*Communicate lots, but only what is necessary
*Follow through with the team, even if you don"t like it.
*Don't be Batman and Robin
*Don't tolerate negative attitudes.
*Practice your fundamentals

Helpful Links of the Week:
*Skyline: True Hero Roles: 
*Overwatch Central: Lucio Tips:


You can find the Omnic Lab on:
*Email: [email protected] 
*Google Play Music: 
*Full Extended Show Notes:


Rob here:
*Hearthstone Podcast:

And Andres here:
*Hearthstone Podcast - Coin Concede:

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