In the Lab today we talk about how the game has been this week, some sweet update we received this week on a Patch, and talk a bit personal about Rob’s trip to Japan.

News & Patch Notes:
*PC Patch Notes July 27:
*Ana & McCree with changes.

Special Thanks: Scientist Level Patrons! Brian K, Eric S, and Blackbyrd thanks again for your generous pledges for the Scientist Level of support, when your payment clears we’ll get started on your perks!

Also thank you to Ryanraze for his email, 02 Eph & Schuey10 for their awesome and kind iTunes reviews, and YOU for listening!


Helpful Links of the Week:
*Blue Watch: Cynical Nerds covering a ton of Forum News:


Content Creators’ Shoutouts: 
*Overwatch Central: McCree/Ana Changes break down:


You can find the Omnic Lab on:
*Email: [email protected] 
*Google Play Music: 
*Full Extended Show Notes:


Rob here:
*Hearthstone Podcast:

And Andres here:
*Hearthstone Podcast - Coin Concede:

Twitter Mentions