This week Andres & Rob sit down with top 500 player Jinx to do a going deep episode on Brigitte! Not only mixed with mispronounced swedish names, but full of shield bashes and rallies we’ve got you covered this week on the guide for Brigitte!

Let’s Get to Know our Guest!

All right, Jinx, tell us a bit about yourself! Who are you & some of your background, tell us about your stream, and explain why Brigitte and what you played before her release!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: GAME NIGHT: 9/28 SPONSOR: Top Score Solutions Ben aka “INeedPeeling” is offering free business consulting in the eSports field. If you are aspiring to coach, starting a team, developing an app or service, trying to boost your subscriber base, or just want to work in eSports, you can visit his website at, get him on Twitter @topscoreEsports, or join his Discord server. Ben has a Masters in Sport Management, Finance and Data Analytics as well as experience in sales, marketing, and company development. His services are free, and they will stay that way as long as demand allows it. Omnic Meta: (Homepage) Sept. 10 - PC Meta Report Humble Bundle Monthy Affiliate! Our Affiliate Link: Going Deep Hero Breakdown: What is the fundamentals for Brigitte or what is her job in a game? Basically, what is the core to the hero for Bronze to Gold (players of all SR are struggling with this, not just sub plat) to grasp for improvement How do we overcome the community’s negativity about the hero being “too easy” to play? Can we chat about positioning and how to use your position/presence and movement to maximize damage and pressure? How can we utilize the shield within our positioning? How do you balance Self-protection and shielding allies? Community Question from Jonaqec: Do you find yourself using the 3rd person view (while holding the shield) often, and if so, how do you choose your situations wisely? Community Questions from Switch: How to decide when to play aggressive (front with tanks) or defensive (back with supports)? What enemy comps or situations would make you choose one style or the other? Is Brigitte’s playstyle any different when playing with a Zarya?  How can Zarya enable you? (Assume Zarya/Rein comp) Okay let’s kick things off with your bread and butter: Healing with Armor Pack & the Passive: Inspire abilities. How do I make sure that each pack is useful? How do I ensure safely to heal the team with Inspire? Community Question from JustRecentlyL: How does armor pack interact with bionade? Is it completely blocked or can you get the overheal armor from it anyway? Let’s talk about using the Shield Bash and effective use. How do we set up to use it? Do you find yourself using it on cooldown for escape/initiation? How to do we get the most out of Whip Shot? What things can we do to land the hacks before they react? Proper timing for Rally breakdown When to use, where to be, who to prioritize Building Ult tips General Use & Setting up Communicating with Teammates How Map Dependent is Brigitte? Now let’s work on proper engagement and disengages. Now let’s talk synergies and matchups. What heroes do you need to be careful of for being countered and others that you really think are great/necessary for your comp. Let’s talk about Positioning.

Special Thanks to Diamond Sponsors & New Patrons:

Ben K, Britmus, Chrisdaplaya, DurandaL, JanJinkle, Lisome, Mr. Marz, Roger B, RickyTicky, Shazear, Terry F, Timothy W, Top Score Solutions, TragicZac

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Jinx: Twitter, Twitch


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