In the Lab today we break into strategizing about defense! We’re going to talk about compositions, rough positioning, and concepts for how to set-up a team strategy for defense. We’ll even cover map-specifics to the best of our ability for the audio-only listeners!

News & Patch Notes:
*Overwatch Tweaks coming for D.Va, Reaper, and McCree: 
*Blizzard drops the Ban Hammer again on cheaters:

What We’re Testing:
*Rob: Practicing a lot of Soldier 76, Symmetra, Mercy, Zarya, and McCree.
**Cool Team Composition: Soldier 76, Tracer, McCree, Reinhardt, Mercy/Lucio, Flex Spot.

*Andres: Finally started a competitive team! Practicing as Support/Flex (Lucio, Symmetra, Winston, McCree)
**Composition we are practicing as Team: Reinhardt, Mercy, Lucio, McCree, Widowmaker, Flex (Zarya, McCree, Winston, Torbjorn)

Playing Defense in Overwatch:
Playing defense in Overwatch can be one of the most challenging modes, specially if going against an organized team. Poor communication and organization can lead to a quick demise and not a great feeling! A solid defense on the other hand can be demoralizing for the enemy team. 

1. The objective is everything:
**From the start of the game the objective and map layout will dictate everything. Ask yourself these questions: a) Is it a payload, point capture or both? b) What roles need to be filled? (map specific, not team specific).
2. Establish a choke-point.
3. Protecting access routes (parts of the map that go around the main routes).
4. Look-out after each other.
5. Have a contingency measure (Planned Panic Button)
6. Learn when to retreat!

Special thanks to our first Patreon supporter Lance K. Also thanks to the amazing folks giving us itunes reviews: Blackbyrd3, DanBeforeTime, Nick1742, Bobsta14, & Anthony! Ya'll are the best!

Links for the Week:
*AskJoshy: Map Call Outs: King’s Row Video: 
*AskJoshy: Map Call Outs: Hollywood Video: 
*AskJoshy: Map Call Outs: Dorado Video: 
*Overwatch Myths Vol.1: 
*Overwatch Myths Vol.2:

*Hang in League of Overwatchers Discord with all other content creators: 


You can find the Omnic Lab on:
*Email: [email protected] 
*Full Extended Show Notes:

Rob here:
*Hearthstone Podcast:

And Andres here:
*Music Work: In the works...soon ™
*Hearthstone Podcast:

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