It's time for the finale of the Christmas Special and Santa's militant elves have caused significant damage to the facilities. The alert level is the highest that its been in at least a week and on every floor of Deep Storage OMEN field agents search for unseen threats that lurk in the dark. Happy endings are myths, as you will soon see, as you tune in and listen to Christmas Party Part Three...

Fundraising Efforts:

As part of the Christmas Special, we’re going to be doing a fundraiser which starts today. We are proud to be raising money for the Northern Virginia Family Service!

The NVFS help more than 2,200 children and their families in Northern Virginia. They purchase toys and grocery store gift cards for families to use for holiday meals and basic necessities. After this hell of a year, we think it's super important to give some holiday joy to less well off kids.

You can check out the OMEN Fundraiser here, please donate generously and let's make some people's holidays better:

Join the official OMEN Discord here:



Sean Oxspring as the DM

Xalavier Nelson Jr as Agent Cody Action

Sam Silvers as Bethany Millicent & Nadine Winters

Andrea Jorgensen as Santa Claus

Rose Russell as Jacqueline Martell

Sophie as Goldie the Mermaid

Robin McFarland as John Bard

Dea from Dice Out Now Game as Enid Blatherstock

Ryan from Shrimp and Crits as Carl Wilbanks

Catie from Shrimp and Crits as The Zeke Wilson

Cap from Shrimp and Crits as Skeeter Marsh

Ian from Shrimp and Crits as Chad Simmons

Anna Webster as Zhenya Karankova

Sunny as Shaze Wormwood

Belry from Penance RPG as Jimmy Skinner

Tom from Penance RPG as Sam the Mathematician

Nikolai from Penance RPG as Dimitri the Dice Man

Rowan from Penance RPG as Nana Rye

Dragon from Penance RPG as The Unnamed Rogue

Susie from Penance RPG as Cory Anders

Alex as Steve from Marketing

Brent from Ballad of the Seven Dice as Craig Smith

Lucas from Ballad of the Seven Dice as Face Boy My Perfect Son

Jason from Ballad of the Seven Dice as Richard “Mickey” Prickett

Al Wyvern as Jared Jameston

Keith Evans as Ian Turner

Andrew from The Beholders Eye as Max Woodfellows

Michelle from The Beholders Eye as Sandy Woodfellows

Kari from The Beholders Eye as Karen Woodfellows

Adam from The Beholders Eye as Floyd Woodfellows

Ash from The Beholders Eye as Helda Hass-Woodfellows

Farris from Goblets and Gays as Cecelia Gobletier

Aubrey from Goblets and Gays as Cameron Gobletier

Tick from Goblets and Gays as Piper Gobletier

Kari as Tryn the Graduate

Kailyn as Gnat Lad, Brother of Mothman

Esra as Shanna

Cassie from The Lovelycraftians as Darling

Sade from The Lovelycraftians as Pocky

Samantha from The Lovelycraftians as Egg

RJ from Cosmopunk as Derek the Cleaner

Dan from Cosmopunk as Xeromir the Broom

Brad from The Fate of Isen

OMEN Investigations Christmas Theme by Emma Wright