Episode 99 features what is sure to be our most controversial listener-directed Q&A podcast yet! Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of conspiratorial and Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Has the Mandela Effect “glitched” reality? Has the Mandela Effect changed God’s Word? Is the Earth flat or a sphere? Is Cain’s bloodline tainted by the Serpent’s seed? Does the mark of Cain have any connection to Bible prophecy or the Mark of the Beast? If an infant or person is forced to take the mark can they be saved? Can Christians be possessed by demons? Does the Bible condone polygamy because David and Solomon had multiple wives? Is the baptism with the Holy Ghost separate from having a saving knowledge of Christ? What was Paul doing during the 17 years before his ministry started out? Does Isaiah 65:17 teach we won’t remember anything from our former lives once God makes the World new? Was Jesus’ prayer in Luke 23:34 an act of universalism? Is wearing a cross a form of idolatry? Is the term Eucharist Biblical? What is the Biblical view of the Lord’s Supper? How do you get across supernatural truth to the sleepers of the contemporary church?  These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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