Episode 85 features part two of January’s monthly listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they continue answering your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We dig deep into the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: how much emphasis you would put on the book of First Enoch to help unlock some of the more cryptic key themes in scripture? Is it possible to figure exactly how many years ago Noah's Flood happened? Can we clarify the roles of the different members of the “unholy trinity” of Revelation? Do we need to be re-baptized if we fall away from the Faith and then come back? Is infant baptism Biblical? What did the early church teach about baptism? Is Christ’s name Jesus, Yeshua, or Joshua? Will God hear our prayers for salvation or deliverance if we use the wrong name? What does 1 Corinthians 5:5 mean when it says Paul is turning over someone to satan for the destruction of the flesh in order to be saved? Why does God allow suffering and evil to exist in this world? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion.

Show notes:

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