On this episode I’m joined by fellow podcaster Mike Hopkins (Fight The Lies Radio Network). Hear his testimony of how he and his wife where deeply involved in a church that practiced dominion theology and many other NAR teachings. While they where there they witnessed some very strange things and where subjected to spiritual and emotional abuse. In part one, Mike will take us through the indoctrination phase of his time with in the church. You’ll also hear some of the things they where taught and some of the things the minster falsely prophesied would happen in Virginia as part of an end times revival scenario. We will also talk about what dominion theology teaches, the various incarnations it’s gone through over the decades, and it’s emphasis on a “new breed” of Apostles. Are these new Apostles giving new revelations the Church? Are we to take over and “Christianize the world” so that Jesus can return? Is that concept even Biblically part of the great commission? Join me and find out!

Show notes:

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