Matthew 24 talks about a time right before the return of our Lord. There will be wars and rumors of wars. Nation (ethnos/race) will rise against Nation (ethnos/race). Many false prophets shall rise in the name of Christ and shall deceive many. Iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold. These are the beginning of sorrows. On top of this, Satan has blinded the minds of them which believe not to the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ. He is also wearing out the Saints. Join me as I look at how we can have a Heavenly perspective on current events and focus on what truly matters. This Heavenly hope enables us to not be shaken in times of uncertainty. The Remnant Bride of Christ will overcome, the gates of hell will not stop her. Will you be part of the Remnant Revolution in this prophetic hour?  

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The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Demons Calling”

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Vatican Rising Vol. I”

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Vatican Rising Vol. 2- Jesuit Controlled Christian Music”

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Vatican Rising Vol. 3- RESET 2016: Year of the Pulses”