Next Episode: The Daily Signal

On this week’s episode we discuss: the spurious statements made by President Obama at the Washington Prayer Breakfast, the mass die off of sea life, and religious deception. We continue our study in The Book of Revelation.Then we finish by looking at the zeal that is burning in Yeshua’s heart for His Church!

Show notes:

Critics pounce after Obama talks Crusades, slavery at prayer breakfast

President Obama Speaks at the National Prayer Breakfast

Pope Francis And The United Religions Initiative Project

New Law Gives Illinois Schools Access To Students’ Social Media Passwords To Combat Cyber-Bullying

Contrast Barack Obama's Quotes About Islam With His Quotes About Christianity

Pastor to Gay Mayor: Why Didn't You Let Us Vote?

Facebook’s Going to Start Weeding Out Fake News Stories

Lisa Haven-Brand New Facebook Rule That Will Enrage You!

Massive die off of fish in a river in Istanbul, Turkey.

Thousands of dead starfish wash up on a beach in Abergele, Wales

67 sick Sea Lions washed ashore in California, ‘no muscle, no fat, just skin and bones’.

20 Dolphins washed ashore this year already, ‘scientists alarmed’ in Ireland

16.5 tons of fish ‘die suddenly’ in Lake Maninjau, Indonesia

4 Tons of fish die suddenly in fish ponds in Guangzhou, China.

Mass Death of Seabirds in Western U.S. Is ‘Unprecedented’

Scientists Puzzled By Bird Carcasses Washing Up On West Coast

‘Held at gunpoint’:Scandal rocks biggest Christian network

Suit alleges financial fraud at TBN ministry

‘Boy Who Came Back From Heaven’ actually didn’t; books recalled