50% of men and 38% of women over the age of 60 are taking statins to lower their cholesterol. But, is this number too high? Are they being overprescribed?

And, are there any dangerous side effects to taking them? Every cell in our body needs cholesterol, so there’s certainly a significant downside to having not enough cholesterol.

What about the fact that so many people who suffer heart attacks have low cholesterol? Some research shows it’s about 50% the number of people with high vs low cholesterol who also suffer heart attacks. So cholesterol alone is certainly not a good indicator for your risk. 

If you’ve been prescribed statins, did your doctor also do a CAC scan, or test your sdLDL, oxLDL, LPa, or LDL-P?

It’s these questions, and many more that you absolutely should be asking before you blindly fill your prescription and start taking statin drugs!