Previous Episode: Do Liver Cleanses Work?

Magnesium deficiency affects virtually all of us! From the way stress burns magnesium stores (and we are all under stress in terms of emotional, chemical, and physical) to the massive depletion of Magnesium and other vitamins and minerals in our produce.

So does this really matter and what can be done about it?

Yes it matters, a LOT! Magnesium deficiency can cause major gut issues, sleep problems, and even anxiety and depression among many other things.

This is why in my opinion virtually everyone should be taking some kind of magnesium supplement along with trying to get more magnesium through their diet.

Start with a good magnesium threonate, then look into adding other types on top of this depending on what issues you face. For example, you can use magnesium citrate for constipation issues, or magnesium glycinate if you don’t sleep well.