At this pivotal time of humanity's progress into consciousness when our collective psyche is being scrubbed by grief, sadness, anger and loss, we need to invoke a global Egregore for Self-Peace. As humanity faces catastrophic climate change, a pandemic, hunger and violence and chaos across our world,  we can feel challenged, frustrated, and in many cases, hopeless by it all. the positive news is that there is something we can do about it~ We can make a sacred intent to preserve our daily awareness  to self peace; we can be the witness of our own progress by being conscious of societal, communal or familial pressures. We can flatly refuse to enjoin anything less than the good for all humanity~ We do have a choice to refuse to join the group though form to violence and unseemly acts against the nature of Self.  Albeit highly vulnerable, this is a  positive span of time when we are being asked to take pause, breathe, do less, think less and gather ourselves in a state of being the witness to the preservation for awareness.  Listen In~ to this powerful talk by Maya~

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May Peace Be Your Journey~