Would it surprise you if I were to tell you that each and every human person on earth is suffering from some form of trauma from the past ~ a past that is deeply buried in our ancestral bedrock? We are living in the "Century of Trauma", now more disconnected from Mother Earth and her salubrious ways than ever before. For this reason we are compelled to unearth deeply hidden traumas that are being revealed at this time of our history on earth. Has the human species always carried trauma? In life two major traumas we experience are in the process of birth and death. But there are undercurrents of trauma that we carry from generation to generation through our bloodlines. This is why the ailment of trauma treated by present day therapy render very little effectiveness. In brief, our knowledge of where trauma is actually seeded and what lies beyond trauma is so limited, based as it were on dualistic modern sciences that do not consider its primal role of ancestral acquisitions. To heal trauma we must heal ancestral wounds. Traumas are deeply connected to ancestral wounds. Traumas from thousand of years of human-kind are imbued with the cells and memory of our vital tissues, wired into the function of our brains and expressed through a variety of configurations in our individual birth. Indeed, these ancestral imprints are also deeply embedded into the earth, and, the forest and their stories told through hydromancy of the waters. 

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