We have not understood the Primordial Feminine and Masculine divine principle at all. And as as result, we are living the experience of the feminine/masculine divide.
Erosion and deliberate deviation from Shiva-Shakti education/understanding  demonstrate the current miasma we find our selves in. The resultant Mother Wound we are experiencing is deep. It is endemic in the entire planet. From time unknown, while the mores of patriarchal power has had a profound and devastating impact on Mother Nature, her earth, ocean, the whole environment between earth and sky, as well as every creature and human on her living planet, we can trace the mother wound to the very onset of life on earth. 

Over centuries, we have been pummeled  into the abyss of the darkscape (my own word. We find ourselves damaged, broken, and disassociated from the root calling of our primordial feminine and the primeval masculine. At its core, the primordial feminine energy has been perverted, and as a result this dissonant reality which not only affects the health, wellbeing and sentiency of a woman, but also the welfare of men and all beings in nature. 

The primordial feminine is the energy that gives birth to humanity, it is the vibration that sustains Mother Earth, it is the womb of our universe. Once in  a state of in-equanimity, all of nature goes askew, and so too the primordial male energies. 

Therefore, to repair the harms in the whole of humanity- Shakti/Shiva, Yin/Yang, we must first and foremost pay primary attention to restoring the primordial feminine energy of Mother Earth. The maternal value for sustaining, safeguarding, nourishing and nurturing life on earth cannot be devalued or dismissed.

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