The human voice is the most powerful sound in the universe~ it is imbued with the cosmos's symphonic, multi-layered vibrations. At its profound root within the human organism, is Silence ~ the essential vibratory ground from which intelligence and consciousness arise. All sounds are birthed from the cosmic sound vibration, the most conscious being the human voice.  The voice is a primary conduit to gaining awareness; consciousness being the innate potential that only humans possess.  Albeit, it is said in the Vedas that we use only the fourth quarter of the voice's potential based on the Whole Quadrant of intelligence that is contained in the field of cosmic sound.

Words, speech, language~indeed, all sounds of the universe, compose the medley of conscious existence, From the lofty tremor of the human voice to the quiver of rustling leaves, to the "oooming" melody of the cows, the "drumming" oscillation of the fishes, the sizzling of the stones' fissures, the sussurus of the wind across the meadow, each living thing on this Earth has a sound-language of its own, articulate and audible within their tribe. 
How do we use our voice to access the entirety of the quadrant of cosmic intelligence?  

Listen In, as the one and only, Maya Tiwari espouses.........

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