Leading up to the 1 year anniversary of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, I appeared in a short segment on a Vancouver radio station News 1130 for  an Olympic flashback series to examine the legacies + discussed social media as a whole and covering the Games. Listen: One Year After Olympics on News 1130 – Olympic Outsider...

Leading up to the 1 year anniversary of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, I appeared in a short segment on a Vancouver radio station News 1130 for  an Olympic flashback series to examine the legacies + discussed social media as a whole and covering the Games.


Listen: One Year After Olympics on News 1130 – Olympic Outsider #30 (.mp3, 3:13, 3MB, mono)

I discussed social media as a whole and covering the Games through the True North Media House project – plus  the impending With Glowing Hearts movie premiere. In the short clip, I included brief anecdotes about reliving the fun, documenting and storytelling, and how social media can provide depth and breadth to provide more attention to more stories beyond the “official” IOC/VANOC story.


Olympic Outsider podcast feed
Community Feasthouse podcast feed

News 1130 for  an Olympic flashback series to examine the legacies of the Games.

See An Olympic anniversary on the News1130 Midday Show for the article and audio clips, ergo:

VP of Tourism Vancouver Paul Vallee speaks live with News1130 anchors Rob Freeman and Erin Loxam
24 Hours’ Bob Mackin speaks live with News1130 anchors Rob Freeman and Erin Loxam
John Mills with the Richmond Oval speaking live on News1130 with anchors Rob Freeman and Erin Loxam
Vancouver blogger Dave Olson speaks with News1130 about the role of social media during the 2010 Games
Keith Bennett, the president and CEO of Whistler Sports Legacies, talks to News1130 about the Sliding Centre
The CEO of “Own the Podium” Alex Bauman speaks with News1130’s Erin Loxam and Rob Freeman

Blurb: VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – This week, we’re marking the one year anniversary of the day the OlympicCauldron was lit.

After years and years of planning and excitement, the massive two-week sporting event didn’t disappoint.  But what kind of legacy did it leave behind?

This week on the News1130 Midday Show we’re looking at the Olympic legacy.  Did the Games bring in the much-talked-about the economic boost?

This afternoon, we’ll talk to Own the Podium CEO Alex Baumann. Listen to the live interview at 1 p.m.