Don’t be surprised: Canadian Men Open With Win in Turin! – Olympic Outsider #2 (.mp3, 9:44) Bleary-eyed after waking for the 4AM face-off, Dave Olson discusses the opening game of the Olympic hockey tournament in this 9:24 long podcast. Canada beat Italy 7-2 – After a slow start, Canada turned on the jets versus a hardworking and...

Don’t be surprised: Canadian Men Open With Win in Turin! – Olympic Outsider #2 (.mp3, 9:44)

Bleary-eyed after waking for the 4AM face-off, Dave Olson discusses the opening game of the Olympic hockey tournament in this 9:24 long podcast. Canada beat Italy 7-2 – After a slow start, Canada turned on the jets versus a hardworking and speedy, but overmatched host squad, noting Bertuzzi, Iginla and St. Louis had particularly nice games.

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