Jill is back from the World Olympic Collectors' Fair, and she's got some great stories of touring the LA Coliseum and the LA84 Foundation. She also got to catch up with our Olympin friends, make some new friends and hear some great Olympic stories, like this week's interview with Joan and Sid Marantz.

Joan and Sid have been Olympic fans and collectors for decades, and when the Olympics were in Los Angeles in 1984, they both volunteered with the movement. Joan worked in Youth Services helping put together educational materials, and Sid got to be one of the few people to portray Sam the Olympic Eagle.

That's right. Jill's favorite mascot! She got the story behind what it's like to be a mascot, and she also learned about one of the interesting educational projects that happens with the Olympic Games.

One of the other things Jill and Alison talk about is how the LA84 Foundation displays its collection of mascots:

Won't somebody please help these guys?

Listener Beth mentioned this episode of "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me," with Christine Lagarde, who may currently be known as the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, but at one time was on the French National Synchronized Swimming team! You can listen to that here -- Christine was on the July 14, 2018 episode.

Thanks as always for listening -- and if you're fans, please share the show with your other Olympic-loving friends. Keep the flame alive!

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