What's it like to become the first Olympian for your country in the sport of skeleton? Israeli athlete AJ Edelman tells us about his experiences in the sport of skeleton and his current work in building up Israel's bobsled and skeleton team in hopes of competing at the Beijing 2022 Olympics.

Follow AJ on Insta and Twitter!

Follow the Israeli bobsled team and check out its website.

TKFLASTANIS in action:

Tom Scott was profiled by the World Karate Federation Marnie McBean's speaking this weekend Kikkan Randall on retiring from sport

Other big news: It's our 3rd anniversary this week, and we've got a gift for you! We're announcing our 2021 Book Club books and Movie Club movies. We hope you're as excited about the selections as we are!

If you'd like to celebrate our anniversary, please support the show. We accept ongoing donations at Patreon -- at our lowest level, each show is just $.25! Or, save up your quarters and make a one time donation at Paypal. We appreciate your support!

Thanks so much for listening, and until next time, keep the flame alive!

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