My sincere apologies in the time it's taken to get this out. A long term health condition really took a nosedive and I was struggling to get the basic facets of my life done, never mind Oldex. I think I'm on the up again now, and normal service shall resume.

I appreciate your understanding.

If you've enjoy listening to Oldex audio format, I'd really appreciate it if you would leave a review on iTunes to help spread the word:

Many thanks to Jervis Johnson and Gav Thorpe for writing this story I grew up with.

Are there any old codexes you think I should turn into audio next? Let me know at or at [email protected]. Get in touch with me if you've got an old Codex you want to donate to the project too and we can discuss postage options.

Gav Thorpe on Twitter:

Gav Thorpe's website:

If you've enjoyed this audio story, please follow Gav on Twitter, leave a review on iTunes, share this podcast and subscribe so you know when the next story is out.

This production, like all of Oldex, is entirely unofficial and uncommercial, from an out of print publication, is a derivative work with all copyrights owned by Games Workshop and is a celebration of the hobby.

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