When Senator Blackburn, a confidence man, pose's as a dead professor to collect his treasure. The treasure ends up being more than he expected. Original Air Date: November 14, 1949 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writers: • Fran Striker Producer: • […]

When Senator Blackburn, a confidence man, pose's as a dead professor to collect his treasure. The treasure ends up being more than he expected.
Original Air Date: November 14, 1949
Host: Andrew Rhynes
Show: Challenge of the Yukon
Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739)

• Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston)
• Fran Striker
• George W. Trendle

Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kK