Tonight's radio show will be about the weapons of war in Conjure work and how to defend yourself when under attack whether spiritual or physical.
Don't you just hate when things go good for you somebody gets jealous? Then they act on it and try to undermine you any way they can because you have something they want. Are you tired of 'haters' and sap suckers who want to use you and suck you dry for everything you got? Then when they're done you wander why things in your life went South all of a sudden while they are living it up...or at least that's what they say! During the show our fabulous Momma Starr and I will tell you how to protect yourself and safeguard your blessings.
This is spiritual work that everyone should know how to do because sooner or later you'll come up against someone in your life who'll try to get you in a bind.

You can use Hoodoo Conjure to catch your enemies in their own trap and turn the tables on them JUSTICE-style!!! Sometimes you have to get down and dirty in spiritual work and these trying times are one of those moments. So tune into our show or call in and arm yourselves with the knowledge needed to win your battles!!!

May God Bless You & All Your Spiritual Works