Day 3 of 25 Days of Christmas has Patricia and Carlene discussing about the 1964 Rankin/Bass stop motion Christmas special Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer based on the 1939 booklet of the same name by Robert L. May. A young reindeer named Rudolph is treated as an outcast due to his glowing red nose. After mistreatment from his father, Santa Claus, and the other reindeer, he ran away. He meets up with an elf named Hermie who is also an outcast from the other elves since he wants to be a dentist as opposed to a toymaker. They meet up with a man named Yukon Cornelius and venture into the Island of Misfit Toys. Eventually, Rudolph returns to the North Pole to help Santa save Christmas from the foggy snowstorm. What did Patricia and Carlene think of this special? Listen and find out.


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