Bill Ranshaw is a recovered Porn and Sex Addict, 35 & 24 years respectively. He stopped porn and masturbation on March 21st, 2017 at the age of 45. Shortly after, he became addicted to opioid use and then cocaine. He then dedicated himself to stopping the cycle once and for all, It was then He developed a system of remaining porn free for life!

Since He stopped porn and detoxed his life, he has transformed. He has been awarded 3 Emmy, Produced an Award Winning Documentary short film, became financially independent, and most of all, He has found the love of my life and is now engaged.

Today Bill offers rehab to men  through the 7 Disciplines he used to quit porn for life and coaches them to achieve their ultimate potential and success in life!

Orest The Old Guy and Bill about the hazards of porn addiction and how it affects not only your relationship and sex life, porn addiction spills over into other areas of your life. We discuss how porn affects both young and older men as well as withdrawl symptoms and PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction).

Click Here For Details or To Order The Phoenix

Previously this therapy was out of reach for many men who continue to suffer. But this therapy that you hear about on the radio, TV and Internet is now available for you to use without embarrassment in the privacy of your own home at a fraction of the cost they even provide payments.

This is an FDA registered device.

Click on the link to find out about this therapy that used to only be available in a doctor's office at $3000 and up.