This week we talk about the consequence of a "safety first" culture that tries to shelter our kids from risk and failure. How much risk do we allow our kids to take and are we tempted to always rescue our kids from failing or experiencing disappointment.


This Weeks Whiskey: "Black Manhattan" using Ragged Branch Whiskey from Virginia Cigars courtesy of "Standard and Twain" -  Dapper Cigars Crowned Heads Cigars Our constant bombardment of bad information from the news, media and social media leads the general population to believe that the world is a far more dangerous place than it actually is (When actually comparing crime data from the 80's versus now). It's essential for us to allow our kids to take healthy risks, so they can learn to navigate decisions, success, failure and disappointment in life. When we parent, our goals in our parenting is offend motivated by of 1 of 2 things (usually involving pain in our own childhood that we don't want our kids to also experience): 1 - Giving our kids the life we never had 2 - Prevent them from having the life that we had When we do this, we are defining our kids life by our standard The results are often raising spoiled kids that have everything you never had and take everything for granted, are too dependent on their parents, not knowing how to navigate the stressors of life (they end up soft and un-resilient). Or we teach them to be fearful and paranoid as their parents are always telling them what they need to be careful of, avoid and not do (so they can be safe). If as parents, we don't allow our kids to take risks or experience failure, our kids will not be properly equipped for difficulty and challenges in the world... they will be perpetually dependent on you and not know how to navigate the difficulties in life. We need to put our faith in Jesus, for our kid staying safe and turning out ok. We can't control all aspects of life and we are simply stewards of our kids, to raise them to know and love God... but God is ultimately in control of their outcome.


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