If there is one other person out there more bullish than I am regarding Donald Trump’s capabilities for Mussolini-like behaviors, it’s his niece Mary Trump. Mary made a splash when her tell-all book, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created The World’s Most Dangerous Man released.

The book was unique because it combined an autobiographical account of Mary’s family history as a Trump and her various interactions with the man she simply refers to as “Donald,”with detached psychoanalysis of the various Trump relatives covered in the book via her education and training in psychology, which includes a Ph.D. from the Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies. Thus the book is captivating- combining clinical diagnoses of various Trump family psychoses with Mary Trump’s personal anguish, loss, pain, and decades of crushing disappointment not only with Donald Trump, but with multiple members of the Trump clan.

In our convo, Mary and I decompress from Wednesday’s Capitol siege, where her crazy uncle unleashed a throng of “deplorables” on Article II to try to physically keep them from certifying Joe Biden as the next president of the United States and seize control of the government on his behalf. Like many Americans, Mary & I are frustrated at the lack of security that was provided to the Capitol Building even when the threats being made against Congress were well publicized (as you know, yours truly devoted two episodes of this pod to potential violence in D.C. on July 6th and Trump’s efforts to amass a MAGA Army).

Mostly, we spend an hour ranting about Donald, radicalism in the Republican Party, worrying about sustaining democracy in America, and having the same conversation many of you have been having this week: can America survive the final week of Trump’s presidency?

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