When you have to google the spelling of “cuckold",” you know you’re about to drop a hot pod!

The Liberty Way reads like some kind of modern Footloose, forcing students to adhere to a moral code so strict, you expect the punishments to include stoning.

That’s why the revelation that when “America’s largest Christian university’s” President Jerry Falwell Jr. and his wife Becki Falwell have a “cuckold” itch, they sneak off to South Beach to scratch, its a REALLY BIG DEAL.

And because Falwell Jr. had the good sense to be exposed as the world’s biggest religious hypocrite during the heavy news cycles of the Trump Administration he helped create by handing America’s evangelicals to Donald Trump on a silver platter, this particular scandal may have slipped past you.

That’s a damn shame because it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person, which is why I’m deeply grateful to Miami filmmaker Billy Corben not only for making a doc about Falwell’s sex scandal, but making it so compelling you have to watch it all.

And as Billy says, “good night and good cuck.”

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