Today we have on Lauren Startt - A tested and certified medium whose goal is to simply help others cope with loss. #mediumship #spiritual #interview #okonbros Find Lauren Startt: About Lauren Startt: As a medium, I connect others with their mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, close friends, family and pets who have crossed over. This is something I don't take lightly and for which I am truly grateful. My spiritual journey unknowingly began back when I was four years old when I saw spirit for the very first time. It wasn't until later in life that I fully understood my gift when I woke up to my friend's soul standing beside me. I went back to bed and received a call minutes later learning of her passing. At that moment I knew the years of anxiety, seeing, hearing and feeling things was actually spirit relaying messages to me. Since my friend's passing, my anxiety skyrocketed and my dreams became extremely vivid. This led me on a spiritual journey to better understand my gift and how to harness my feelings to help others. Each day I am humbled to do this work, and through spirit give others the opportunity to know their loved ones are still with them. Lauren is a tested, certified medium through Mark Ireland and The Helping Parents Heal Organization. | @OkonBros Two bros (Eric Okon & Michael Okon) chatting and interviewing interesting people about The Secrets of the Universe, The Law of Attraction, Mysticism, Brohood, Gambling, Movies, TV, Pop Culture, Archangels, Magick, Good Food, Travel, Business, Health, Writing, Family and Mediumship. Find/Follow Eric Okon Eric Okon LinkedIN - Follow/Follow Michael Okon Michael Okon LinkedIN - Michaels self-help books - Michaels fiction books - Our global car service: BLS -

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