Heather and Brittany chat with Tami Hackbarth, host of the 100% Guilt Free Self Care podcast. Tami is a life coach and believer in self care, and The Okayest Moms talk about the importance of carving out that time for yourself, despite all the demands in your life.

Heather and Brittany chat with Tami Hackbarth, host of the 100% Guilt Free Self Care podcast. Tami is a life coach and believer in self care, and The Okayest Moms talk about the importance of carving out that time for yourself, despite all the demands in your life.

Meet tami

Tami Hackbarth is the 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care Coach. She works with women who want to get their time and energy back so they can create the world they want to live in.

She brings a philosophy of self-compassion, kindness and humor to her work. Tami is a voracious reader and lifelong learner. 

Tami began her career working in politics after graduating from UC Davis. In her mid30s, she began her second career as an elementary school teacher. It was in her work as a teacher, she found herself physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. These were the beginning signs of burnout. 

In response, Tami began practicing 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care. It completely changed her life! Now dedicates her career to helping others change their lives through 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care. 

She is a certified Life+Work Coach through UC Davis Extension, coaches women all over the country through her group coaching experience Deferred Maintenance.

Join Tami for her Self Care Quick Start. Use code Okayestmoms for $50 off!

You can find her on her website www.tamihackbarth.com, or follow her on Instagram.


How Tami became a life coach, and how she’s different than the life coach in your DM’s
Why taking care of yourself is so important to those around you
How your enneagram number can help you find your best form of self care
Tami’s new book club


Tami shared so many great book titles with us!

Parenting From The Inside Out
The Emotionally Absent Mother
Drop The Ball
How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids
Fair Play– Tami’s book club pick!

Sign up to join Tami’s book club here! It begins September 14 and will meet Tuesdays at 4:30 PST. Don’t worry! If you can’t make that time, it will be recorded!


With back to school season upon us, health is on the forefront of every parent’s mind, which is why we’re excited to partner with Hiya Health

Meet Hiya – a daily children’s multivitamin created by dads with 12 organic fruits & veggies and zero added SUGAR. While many other vitamins are candy in disguise, Hiya has zero artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, dyes, or gummy junk and delivers a cleaner, better option for kids. 

We also love that the packaging is practically zero waste. Your first order will come with a refillable glass jar (with stickers so your child can decorate it). Then every month, they send eco-friendly vitamin refills…with zero plastic waste like you get with most vitamins. So it’s not just good for you — it’s also good for the environment. 

For a limited time your first order is just $15! (a $15 savings) And shipping is FREE! 

To get this deal go to okayestmoms.com/hiya.


Episode 5. You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup || How To Add Mom Self Care To Your Busy Schedule || Putting Myself First ||


We see this podcast as a conversation with friends. Except all you can do is listen. Ha! But, if you have something to add, we’d love to hear from you! Shoot us an email at [email protected]! Or you can find us on our blog, or on InstagramFacebookTwitter, and Pinterest. We even have an Etsy shop!

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