Applications of the metaverse go far beyond gaming and social media. In healthcare and life sciences, innovative physicians and researchers are exploring its potential to accomplish the following:


Enhance decentralized clinical trialsDevelop precision medicine therapiesImprove surgical navigation e.g., to perfect a surgical route before treating the patientEnhance surgical education, training, and mentoringAs part of connected care and virtual careTo create medical storefronts


Because ophthalmology is considered one of the most innovative fields in medicine, it’s no surprise physicians are discussing ways to use this alternate community to enhance clinical care.


In this podcast, three ophthalmology thought leaders explore what’s possible for eye care in the metaverse. They discuss how digital twins can enable precision medicine. They discuss its application for visual field testing and its potential to identify disease earlier to enable proactive care.


Listen to the podcast today to discover:


What lies ahead for precision medicine?

How will digital twin virtual models enable more tailored treatments? What’s possible? What’s already in the works?

What is the benefit of the metaverse and digital twins on decentralized clinical trials?

How are surgeons using augmented reality and virtual reality, as well as a new device called PillBot?

How do we gauge clinical performance and metrics in the metaverse?

If we can monitor patients in the metaverse, can we enhance or augment their capabilities in that reality?

How will this technology help democratize medical education and medical care?

How will the metaverse enable better collaboration and communication among physicians, clinicians, and researchers?



Michael F. Chiang, MD, Director, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Pam Nesbitt, Global Chief Architect for Healthcare & Life Sciences, Microsoft

Khizer Khaderi, MD, MPH, Founder & Director, The Human Perception Lab at Stanford; Founder & CEO, Vizzario

Ranya Habash, MD, Co-Founder, MΞTAMΞD; FDA Digital Health Network of Experts; Medical Director, Technology Innovation, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute; Visionary Innovation Mentor, Stanford University