Michael Chiang, MD, director of the National Eye Institute, spent more than 20 years in academic research. Now, he leads an organization that supports that research by funding more than 1,500 research and training grants for projects that address vision impairment and blindness.

A pediatric ophthalmologist who’s board-certified in clinical informatics, Dr. Chiang remains intensely curious and generous. “I succeed when the vision research field succeeds,” he says in this OIS Podcast. 

With host Sophia Pathai, MD, PhD, Dr. Chiang lays out NEI’s recently unveiled strategic plan. The plan hints at where NEI plans to invest its annual $860 million budget over the next five years and how it plans to continue moving forward with its “audacious goals.” Literally, the NEI’s Audacious Goals Initiative for Regenerative Medicine was established in 2012 to push the boundaries of retina science and restore vision through retina regeneration. It has funded $80 million in research to date, and there’s more work to be done.

There’s also room to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in science and medicine—another area Dr. Chiang is passionate about. His mantra for collaboration: Instead of “great minds think alike,” it’s “great minds think differently[CN1] .” Follow him @NEIDirector.


Listen to this OIS Podcast to discover:

More about Dr. Chiang’s background, which starts with electrical engineering and continues with ophthalmology and biomedical engineering.What’s inside the NEI strategic plan, including its revised mission statement, its “audacious goals,” and its priorities for the next five years.What’s involved in developing such a large-scale plan, from buy-in to contributor involvement to change management.How the NEI promotes equal access to care as well as diversity within scientific collaboration.Where he sees room for opportunity in the relationship between academic institutions, industry, investment, and government.How emerging researchers can stay at the leading edge of innovation over the next 10 years.

Click “play” to listen.

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