In this episode, we chat with serial entrepreneur, Brett Chell, about his experiences launching and growing several startups. Brett gives his tips for building an innovative team and a resilient business, and gives his take on timing for launching a business when markets and business environment may be uncertain. 

Brett Chell is the President, CEO, and Co-Founder of Cold Bore Technology. He has more than 20 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry and specializes in developing "disruptive technologies", new processes, equipment and software systems for the drilling and completions sectors. He has expertise in drilling operations and technology and has built, commissioned and operated both conventional and coil tubing configurations. 

Having started in the field working on drilling rigs, Brett's background is rooted in practical deployment and creating disruptive solutions that are focused on real-world applications that reduce workload, infrastructure, and cost. After his time in the field, Brett spent the following decade building startups and perfecting the art of step financing using combinations of private equity, non-institutional and institutional capital to fund these ventures. Having already raised more than $50 Million for various energy and aerospace projects, Chell moved his focus to spearhead oil and gas technology companies' creation. In the years that followed, Brett co-founded Cold Bore Technology, EBS, and Raptor Rig, which recently introduced the world's first fully automated drilling and CT rigs into North American and Middle East markets.  

Cold Bore Technology provides the world's largest oil and gas companies with the SmartPAD™, a completions master control system (CMCS). This control and automation platform creates one network, one workflow, and one standard platform on location that all services are connected to. This interconnectivity of service company control systems allows autonomous fracturing operations and data capture and aggregation—one control system to run your well completions. 

Cold Bore Technology was awarded first place in the Venture Stream Competition hosted by the Haskayne School of Business Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and the University of Calgary in February 2017. In October 2018, The Rice Investment Group became one of Cold Bore Technology's largest investors.  

Resources recommended by Brett: 
Thought leaders Gary Vaynerchuk and Andy Frisella

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Voice-over Credit: Nicky Mondellini

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Voice-over Credit: Nicky Mondellini