Let’s talk career, job search and virtual networking with Dr. Amanda Rico, Resume and Editorial Specialist. How can Oil & Gas job seekers pivot in this challenging market? And what are some actionable solutions professionals can use to network in a virtual environment when many of our in-person interactions have been curtailed?  

Dr. Amanda Rico specializes in resume building, editing, and career solutions for senior and executive-level professionals. Through her business, Rico Editorial Services, Dr. Rico has generated materials and built profiles for TEDx speakers, healthcare executives, entrepreneurs, and Energy & Petroleum professionals. She has published in the Houston Business Journal and worked alongside public officials, career diplomats, and corporate executives such as Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jeff Immelt, Jeff Shellebarger, and Jeff Miller. A member of Career Directors, International – a first-tier, internationally-recognized resume certification organization – Dr. Rico is currently completing her Certified Advanced Resume Writer credential. Amanda earned her Ph.D. in English at Texas A&M University, and her M.A. and B.A. in English from the University of Oklahoma. 

All Audio Episodes: www.ogbbmedia.com

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Book recommendation: Resumes For Dummies by Laura DeCarlo

Voice-over Credit: Nicky Mondellini www.nickymondellini.com 

All Audio Episodes: https://www.ogbbmedia.com/

Visit https://zmsenergymarketing.com/ to learn more about how we can help you retain & attract customers, grow revenues and gain market share!

Voice-over Credit: Nicky Mondellini https://www.nickymondellini.com/