In this episode, Shana and Jane are back chatting about all things Steven Universe. Namely, Shana chats a bit about the new Golden Book version of The Answer, and they move on to chatting the wages of capitalism in Frybo and the nature of body horror in Cat Fingers. Also: what does it mean when Steven touches himself?

Main Topic: Frybo and Cat Fingers. Taking charge. The Answer book. Metatext. Shana and Rebecca. "Girly." Interiority. More than a collector's item. Fry costumes and naked Steven. Relationships. Body horror. Crystal shards. Hidden backstory. "Something Jack would say." Exploited labor. Critique of capitalism. Marxist Zombie Thing. "Let's go be kids." Spaghetti Westerns. Pants. "Butt and gem." Musical cues. Pearl-centric. Birds? Hitchcock? Lost dead lovers. Scooby Doo kind of thing. Tentacles and capitalism. On to Cat Fingers. Use of magic. Shape-shifting. "Biorhythms yo." 80s Amethyst. Uncomfortable with the body. Personal confessions. Making it purr. Transformation. Leaving. Miyazaki reference. Monsters and sons. Fraught with tragedy. Puns? Internal and external pain. Awareness. Family dynamics. Mayormobile. Pearl smacking her ass. Attention. Friends of Steven. Cliffhanger. Steven touches himself. A particular sort of mind. Gender. Virginity metaphors. Sound. Pussyfooting. Very foreshadowing. "I guess we're watching 'Say Uncle'." Cosplay. Discipline.