In this revamped pilot episode of Big Damn Shiny Heroes, Shana is joined by regular Oi! Spaceman guest Jessica from The Web of Queer in discussing the first episode of Firefly, "Serenity." Lots of discussion of gender norms, "Captain Tightpants," male gaze, and Kaylee are found within. Enjoy!

Main Topic: Serenity. Recasting the Pilot. More affable. Browncoats. Histories. Dragon*Con. Into the episode. Daniel versus Shana. Battle scene opening. PTSD Mal. Masculinity. Male gaze. Interrupted male gaze. Kitchen table. Jayne and the gynecology joke. Asshole actors and asshole characters. Brotherly love. Subject versus object. Interiority through direction. Nostalgia. Snappy Whedon. Performance. Ambassador versus whore. Zoe's rape joke. The Reavers are Chaotic Evil. Simon's disconnect from reality. The use of Chinese. Appropriation. Twitter would tear it apart. Family for the audience. Fanlore and approaching the show. Strawberries. "What the tattoed guy says." Unpopular opinions. Whedon's optimism. Singing the theme song. Character jigsaws. Preacher and whore dynamic. Whores and moral compasses. Grating will-they-won't-they. Sex work and social class. Wrapping Up. 

Find Jessica at The Web of Queer or on Twitter

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