They've taken some time off due to what we might call current events related depression, but Daniel and Shana are back chatting Doctor Who again, and have decided to ease back into the waters by talking about the incredibly noncontroversial "Rose" and "End of the World." Thankfully, they brought back Jack Graham who basically never has any complicated feelings about anything to help them come back with a minimum of fuss. 

Main Topic: Rose and The End of the World. With special guest Jack Graham. Freedom fries. Current events and warm blankets. Connections. Not the TV Movie. Jack's callow youth. Cringey former self. Creature effects. Children's TV. Eccleston. Themes that will continue. Perfect Rafallo. 90210 in Space. Two names off limits. Comfy Who. Overinvested. Squaring the circle. Soap Opera Who. The world is turning. Small busy-ness. The cosmic and the mundane. Clive the Sam Seely. Who has heard of the Doctor? Occult Doctor. Hooray for the Bronze Medalists. The here and now. Jackie. Music. Narrative. Earthy McEarth Earth. Direction. Jack and tentacles. The bad guy in "An Unearthly Child." Half measures. Not real fans. Every planet has a southern middle class. Working class. Chav as hate speech. Mickey the idiot. Eccleston's TARDIS. The London Eye. Anti-plastic. Moving on to The End of the World. Raffalo. Rose and authority. Spiderbots. Literally people of color. Jabe, Rose, and Raffalo. Don't remember Back in the Red. "Is this a kissing show?" Political engagement. Witty banter Doctor. Playful Nine. Nine versus Eleven. A moment of Moffat hate. "Hints" of Brazil. Trans as a joke. The vain idle rich? Cassandra and metaphoric drift. RTD and middle-aged women. Anticapitalism in skiffy works. Jiggery-pokery. Gatiss is not RTD. Sun-shield nail-biting. Not normal. Out of fucks. Better than "Hide." Britney Who. False memories. RTD and religion. The Planetary National Trust. The Eccleston dance. Jabe the mongrel. Continuity. Prosthetics budget. Forgotten. Comparisons to Ribos. Serialized television. Never Skip Nine. Sliding Into Moffat-Hate. Wrapping Up.